GNOG (2018)

Recommended by Victoria Tran
Seek More

GNOG is a tactile 3D puzzle game about exploring whimsical monster heads and the secret worlds inside them. I love this game in a way I can’t describe — it feels like opening up a toy and discovering charming, whimsical things about it in every nook and cranny. And when I say discovering, I really mean it! Solving the puzzles creates an explosion of colour, music, and animation that warms my heart — even during the cold Canadian winters.

The way the game allows you to prod around the environment makes it perfect for VR, but I’ve had a lot of fun playing it on PC and mobile too. Either way, it’s a great game for all ages —it’s playful and wonderful in a way that makes me feel like a child again.

Victoria Tran is the Community Director at Innersloth, creators of Among Us.

Available on:




Seek More Games

Canadian connection

Developed by KO_OP
Montreal, Quebec