With Wonder (2021)

Sharon Lewis is an award-winning director and producer, and in her latest documentary, With Wonder, she talks to the Christian LGBTQSIA+ community and their struggles with their faith and sexuality.

Lewis travels to Jamaica, the U.S. and the U.K. to interview people of colour who grew up in the Christian faith and recognized that their sexuality didn’t follow the rules mapped out by their religion. While they strove to be good people, loving others because of their faith, they also had to hide who they truly were because, in their faith, homosexuality is a sin.

Those interviewed talk candidly about the struggles of living with deeply Christian parents; parents who were pastors, deacons, or heavily involved with their church and couldn’t accept their children’s sexuality. The conflicting emotions are clear— wanting to practice their faith and be true to their LGBTQSIA+ identity is a devastating internal struggle. Hearing from community members, pastors, and reverends who are out and proud talk about the violence, shame and disappointment they encountered and the courage it took to be themselves is extremely moving.

From dark days to finding a way to live with their faith and sexuality, With Wonder documents brave people and their journeys to living authentically. Whether you’re a person of faith, part of the LGBTQSIA+ community, or an ally, these stories inspire those looking for acceptance and happiness, all with love.

Review by Carolyn Mauricette

Available on:




Free to Watch, LGBTQ2+

Canadian connection

Directed by Sharon Lewis
Sharon Lewis adapted the classic 1998 sci-fi book "Brown Girl in the Ring" by Nalo Hopkinson into the film Brown Girl Begins.